About Us

Meet our Pastor


Chris Esmay was born in El Paso, Texas. He grew up in Colorado and Wyoming. Throughout high school he had aspirations in an entirely different direction, he decided
in the Fall of 1991 to enroll at Northwestern College in Watertown, Wisconsin, that
existed to train candidates for the pastoral ministry. He was the first graduating class
(1996) of the amalgamated NWC and DMLC named Martin Luther College in New Ulm,
Minnesota. And where he met his wife, Kerri. The two were married in Lansing,
Michigan in 1998. He studied at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary for 4 years, including a
vicar year in Ft. Worth, Texas. In 2000, he was assigned as a new graduate of the
seminary to serve St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In 2005 he
accepted the call to serve King of Kings Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Louisiana. In
2013, to Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Topeka, Kansas. In 2019 he and Kerri
accepted calls to serve as pastor and preschool director at St. John in Waterloo, WI.
And, in 2023, to serve God’s people at Trinity in Temple, TX. Chris and Kerri are blessed
with two children, Hannah (21) and Drew (19), both students at Martin Luther College.
“What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? [Permit the add: Who is Chris Esmay?!]
Only servants…I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither
he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow” (1
Corinthians 3:5-7).

What We Believe

What we believe and teach is rooted in God's perfect Word - the Bible.
Because we know it never changes, we know we can find rest and peace in it.







How does knowing God impact my life?