New? Start Here.
Whether you've been attending church for ages or you're brand new, you're in the right place.
STEP 1: What to expect.
Walking through the doors of a new church can be hard. Learn about what to expect at worship on Sundays, what your kids will experience and more.
What are services like?
The service lasts about an hour. We use an order of worship called a liturgy, which includes Scripture readings, songs, prayers, a sermon, and the Lord's Supper (on the first and third Sundays of the month). It may seem very orderly and structured at first, but the liturgy is pure gospel. It allows us to proclaim and hear the good news of the awesome things God has done for us and for all people. It also unites us with the Christian Church throughout history - using some of the same songs, prayers, and blessings that the prophets and apostles used!
An outline of the service is printed in a bulletin which a greeter or usher can provide. We also have screens at the front where we project the entire service with PowerPoint.
What should I wear?
You'll find worshipers at Trinity wearing everything from suits to t-shirts, even work uniforms on occasion. Let's face it: Texas can be a hot place to live. Dress however you feel comfortable, and we won't worry about what you're wearing.
What about kids?
Kids of all ages are welcome at Trinity. We encourage parents and children to grow in faith together!
We also think it's important for young children to learn Scripture at their level. So, during the sermon, children (ages 3-9) can follow the Sunday School Teacher to the Fellowship Hall for Sunday School.
We know children can get fussy too. If your child needs a moment, you can step out into the entryway or fellowship hall. And just so you know, we consider it a blessing to hear these young voices among us!
STEP 2: Plan your visit.
All the details you need to know about where and when we gather.
Find Us
We are located at:
2016 Marlandwood Rd.
Temple, TX 76502
Service Time
Sunday at 10:30am (Includes both adult and children's sermons)
Adult Bible Class:
Sunday at 9:30am
Children's Sunday School:
Sunday during the Adult sermon
Have Questions? Call, Text or Email Pastor Chris Esmay: